It’s all about space

op_n was born out of a personal journey - a realisation that the fleeting moments of relaxation provided by typical wellbeing workshops (that we used to run) were merely bandaids on a much deeper need. Having navigated the corporate world for 15 years, enduring redundancies and endless commutes, I intimately understood the toll of perpetual connectivity and screen time.

It became evident that what teams truly craved was a genuine escape—a chance to liberate themselves from the digital noise, immerse in nature, and truly reset. Thus, op_n retreats were born.

We don't just offer a temporary reprieve; we provide a sanctuary—a space where individuals and teams can disconnect from the chaos of modern life and reconnect with themselves and each other. Our tech-free retreats are designed to offer respite from the incessant demands of technology and the pressures of the daily grind.

You won't find us clamoring for attention on social media platforms. Instead, we focus on creating meaningful experiences that speak for themselves. Our mission is simple: to provide the space and opportunity for true rejuvenation and growth.

Why don’t you and your teams join us? Space awaits_

Ash, Founder

It’s time to do something nothing

Amidst the landscape of hybrid work arrangements, screen addiction, and imbalanced work/life dynamics exacerbated by an always-on culture, we recognized the pressing need for a sanctuary to facilitate team reset, unwinding, and reconnection. Opn was born out of the desire to offer a haven where individuals and teams could find solace and support. Our ethos revolves around cutting through the noise of conventional metrics like price or location, instead prioritising an authentic, human-centric approach to coaching. We meticulously curate our retreats to give particpants that chance to unplug and_ breathe.